# Master Thesis - Implementation Project - Backend [Thesis Project](https://gitlab.uni-koblenz.de/jonasblatt/ma-jonasblatt-thesis) of Jonas Blatt in WiSe 19/20 - SoSe20 This project contains all source files of the implementation, created for the master thesis. - [Frontend Project](../dmnverifierfrontend) ## Backend - [Running Backend Instance](http://dmn.fg-bks.uni-koblenz.de:8080) - [Api Documentation](docApi.md) ### Important dependencies - [Quarkus](https://quarkus.io/) - [Camunda DMN](https://github.com/camunda/camunda-dmn-model/) ### Verifier - [Overview verifier](verifier.md) ### Run Project - Run in dev mode: `mvn compile quarkus:dev` - Build executable jar: `mvn clean install`