package de.unikoblenz.fgbks.api; import static de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.metrics.DmnVerificationMetricsService.PUBLIC_TOKEN; import static; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.DmnVerificationService; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.metrics.DmnVerificationMetricsService; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.result.VerifierResultSet; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.result.actions.ActionScope; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.result.actions.ActionType; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.result.actions.FixActionService; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.verifier.classification.ClassificationType; import de.unikoblenz.fgbks.core.dmn.verification.verifier.types.VerificationType; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * API for the dmn verification service. Provides methods for generating verifications for dmn * tables. */ @Path("/api/dmn/verification") public class Verification { @Inject protected DmnVerificationService dmnVerificationService; @Inject protected DmnVerificationMetricsService dmnVerificationMetricsService; @Inject protected FixActionService fixActionService; /** * Method to generate all verifications for a dmn with all registered verifiers. * * @param token the token for the metric statistics * @param payload the dmn as XML format as * @return a JSON String, which represents a {@link VerifierResultSet} */ @POST @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_XML) public Response verifyAll( @DefaultValue(PUBLIC_TOKEN) @QueryParam("token") String token, String payload) { return checkResult(dmnVerificationService.generate(payload, token)); } /** * Method to get all active verification types. * * @return a list of {@link VerificationType} as a JSON String. */ @GET @Path("/types") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response verifyType() { return Response.accepted(dmnVerificationService.getVerificationTypes()).build(); } /** * Method to generate all verifications for a dmn with the given names of {@link * VerificationType}. The types are listed in the query param "typeName". Multiple typeNames can * be requested. * * @param token the token for the metric statistics * @param typeNames the "typeName"(s) of a {@link VerificationType} * @param payload the dmn as XML format as * @return a JSON String, which represents a {@link VerifierResultSet} */ @POST @Path("/types") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_XML) public Response verifyTypes( @DefaultValue(PUBLIC_TOKEN) @QueryParam("token") String token, @QueryParam("typeName") List<String> typeNames, String payload) { return checkResult(dmnVerificationService.generateFromTypes(typeNames, payload, token)); } /** * Method to get all registered classification types. * * @return a list of {@link ClassificationType} as a JSON String. */ @GET @Path("/classifications") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response verifyClassification() { return Response.accepted(dmnVerificationService.getVerificationClassificationTypes()).build(); } /** * Method to generate all verifications for a dmn with the given name of a {@link * ClassificationType}. * * @param token the token for the metric statistics * @param classificationName the name of a {@link ClassificationType} * @param payload the dmn as XML format as * @return a JSON String, which represents a {@link VerifierResultSet} */ @POST @Path("/classifications/{classificationName}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_XML) public Response verifyClassification( @DefaultValue(PUBLIC_TOKEN) @QueryParam("token") String token, @PathParam("classificationName") String classificationName, String payload) { return checkResult( dmnVerificationService.generateFromClassification(classificationName, payload, token)); } private Response checkResult(VerifierResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet.getAmountOfVerifier() == 0) { return Response.status( BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode(), "The dmn syntax is not correct. The dmn can not be parsed.") .build(); } else { return Response.accepted(resultSet).build(); } } /** * Method to get all registered classification types. * * @param token the token for the metric statistics * @return a list of {@link ClassificationType} as a JSON String. */ @GET @Path("/metrics") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response metrics(@DefaultValue(PUBLIC_TOKEN) @QueryParam("token") String token) { return Response.accepted(dmnVerificationMetricsService.getMetrics(token)).build(); } /** * Method to get all registered {@link VerificationType}s. These types are mapped with a boolean, * which indicates, if the verifier is active or not. */ @GET @Path("/config") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response configVerificationTypes() { return Response.accepted(dmnVerificationService.getVerificationTypesConfig()).build(); } /** * Method to get all registered {@link VerificationType}s. These types are mapped with a boolean, * which indicates, if the verifier is active or not. */ @POST @Path("/config/{verificationName}/{active}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response configVerificationTypes( @PathParam("verificationName") String verificationTypeName, @PathParam("active") boolean value) { dmnVerificationService.setVerificationTypesConfig(verificationTypeName, value); return Response.accepted().build(); } /** * Method to get a boolean, if the actions are active or inactive * * @return true, if the actions are active */ @GET @Path("/actions/global") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response getActionsGlobal() { return Response.accepted(fixActionService.isGlobalActive()).build(); } /** * Method to set a boolean, if the actions is active or inactive * * @return true, if the actions are active */ @POST @Path("/actions/global/{active}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response setActionsGlobal(@PathParam("active") boolean active) { fixActionService.setGlobalActive(active); return Response.accepted(fixActionService.isGlobalActive()).build(); } /** * Method to get all allowed actions * * @return a map of allowed actions */ @GET @Path("/actions/allowedActions") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getAllowedActions() { return Response.accepted(fixActionService.getAllowedActions()).build(); } /** * Method to get all action types * * @return a map of allowed actions */ @GET @Path("/actions/actionTypes") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getActionsTypes() { return Response.accepted(fixActionService.getActionTypes()).build(); } /** * Method to get all action scopes * * @return a list of actions scopes */ @GET @Path("/actions/actionScopes") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getActionsScopes() { return Response.accepted(fixActionService.getActionScopes()).build(); } /** * Method to set a boolean, if the actions type are active or inactive * * @return true, if the request was successful */ @POST @Path("/actions/allowedActions/{scope}/{type}/{value}") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response setAllowedActions( @PathParam("scope") String actionScope, @PathParam("type") String actionType, @PathParam("value") Boolean value) { try { fixActionService.setValue( ActionScope.valueOf(actionScope), ActionType.valueOf(actionType), value); return Response.accepted(true).build(); } catch (Exception e) { return Response.accepted(false).build(); } } }