#include <string>
#include <map>

#include "Workers/Math/Pose.h"
//#include "Architecture/Serializer/ExtendedOutStream.h"
//#include "Architecture/Serializer/ExtendedInStream.h"

using namespace std;

typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > StringMapT;
typedef std::map< std::string, float > FloatMapT;
typedef std::map< std::string, int > IntMapT;

 * @class PointOfInterest
 * @author Robert Hoffmann (RX), David Gossow (RX), Simon Graeser (RX),
 *         Nicolai Wojke (R14)
 * @brief This class represents a point of interest (POI)
 * This class represents a point of interest (POI). It is derived from
 * Point2D and thus inherits its methods x(), y(), and theta() to query
 * the world position and orientation.

class PointOfInterest: public Pose


    enum PoiType {  DEFAULT           =100,
                    VICTIM            =200,
                    OBJECT            =300,
                    GRIPPABLE_OBJECT  =400,
                    PERSON            =600,
                    ROOMBA            =700,
                    HAZARD_MATERIAL   =800,
                    START_POSITION    =900,
                    START_ORIENTATION =1000

    PointOfInterest( );

      * @brief The constructor
      * Creates a point of interest with orientation 0.0.
      * @param id unique identification number
      * @param name name of the poi
      * @param type type of the poi (victim, etc.)
      * @param posX,posY position within the map
      * @param remarks additional information associated with the poi
    PointOfInterest ( int id, string name, PoiType type, float posX, float posY, string remarks,
                      StringMapT stringMap=StringMapT(), FloatMapT floatMap=FloatMapT() ,
                      IntMapT intMap=IntMapT() )
        : Pose ( posX, posY, 0.0f )
      init ( id, name, type , remarks, stringMap, floatMap, intMap );

    /** @brief The constructor
      * @param id unique identification number
      * @param name name of the poi
      * @param type type of the poi (victim, etc.)
      * @param posX,posY position within the map
      * @param theta orientation of the poi
      * @param remarks additional information associated with the poi
    PointOfInterest ( int id, string name, PoiType type, float posX, float posY, float theta, string remarks,
                      StringMapT stringMap=StringMapT(), FloatMapT floatMap=FloatMapT(), IntMapT intMap=IntMapT() )
        : Pose ( posX, posY, theta )
      init ( id, name, type , remarks, stringMap, floatMap, intMap );

    /** @brief Alternative constructor omitting the id parameter */
    PointOfInterest ( string name, PoiType type, float posX, float posY , string remarks )
        : Pose ( posX, posY, 0.0f )
      init ( -1, name, type , remarks, StringMapT(), FloatMapT(), IntMapT() );

    /** @brief Alternative constructor omitting the id parameter */
    PointOfInterest ( string name, PoiType type, float posX, float posY , float theta, string remarks )
        : Pose ( posX, posY, theta )
      init ( -1, name, type , remarks, StringMapT(), FloatMapT(), IntMapT() );

    /** @brief Copy constructor, assigns a new id */
    PointOfInterest ( int id, const PointOfInterest* poi );

    /** @brief The standard destructor */
    virtual ~PointOfInterest() {}

    /** @brief Tests whether this PointOfInterest has the specified name or not, ignoring case.
      * @param name The name to test as a string.
      * @return true if the given name matches the PointOfInterest's name (not case-sensitive), false if not.
    bool hasName ( string name ) const;

    /** @brief Tests whether this PointOfInterest has the specified string in its name or not, ignoring case.
     * @param part The string to test.
     * @return true if the given string is contained in the PointOfInterest's name (not case-sensitive), false if not.
    bool hasInName ( string part ) const;

    // SETTER FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////

    /** @param remarks Changes the contents of remarks attribute. */
    void setRemarks ( string remarks ) { m_Remarks = remarks; }

    void setName ( string name ) { m_Name = name; }

    /** @brief Add a new String to the StringMap */
    void addString ( string key, string data ) { m_StringMap.insert ( pair< string, string > ( key, data ) ); }

    /** @brief Add a new Float to the FloatMap */
    void addFloat ( string key, float data ) { m_FloatMap.insert ( pair< string, float > ( key, data ) ); }

    /** @brief Add a new Int to the IntMap */
    void addInt ( string key, int data ) { m_IntMap.insert ( pair< string, int > ( key, data ) ); }

    // GETTER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////

    /** @return id attribute */
    int getId() const { return m_Id; }

    /** @return name attribute */
    string getName() const { return m_Name; }

    /** @return type attribute */
    PoiType getType() const { return m_Type; }

    /** @return remarks attribute */
    string getRemarks() const { return m_Remarks; }

    /** Get the string to the matching string */
    string getString ( string key ) const { return m_StringMap.find ( key )->second; }

    /** Get the float to the matching string */
    float getFloat ( string key ) const { return m_FloatMap.find ( key )->second; }

    /** Get the Int to the matching string */
    int getInt ( string key ) const { return m_IntMap.find ( key )->second; }

    /** Get the string map */
    map<string, string> getStringMap() const { return m_StringMap; }

    /** Get the float map */
    map<string, float> getFloatMap() const { return m_FloatMap; }

    /** Get the int map */
    map<string, int> getIntMap() const { return m_IntMap; }

    // (DE)SERIALIZATION ///////////////////////////////////
    //    void storer ( ExtendedOutStream& ) const ;
//    PointOfInterest ( ExtendedInStream& );

    /** @brief print description */
    void printOn ( ostream& strm ) const;


    void init ( int id, string name, PoiType type, string remarks, StringMapT stringMap, FloatMapT floatMap, IntMapT intMap );

    int m_Id;
    string m_Name;
    PoiType m_Type;
    string m_Remarks;

    StringMapT m_StringMap;
    IntMapT m_IntMap;
    FloatMapT m_FloatMap;

