#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <geometry_msgs/Point.h>

 * @class SpeedControl
 * @author Malte Knauf, Stephan Wirth
 * @brief Class for computing a speed factor with respect to a given laser measurement.
class SpeedControl {

     * @brief Loads robot and safety zone dimensions config values
    static void loadDimensions();

     * Calculates the speed factor for the robot. If a measured obstacle lies in the "danger zone"
     * that is defined in SpeedControl.cpp, the speed factor will be below maxVal. The nearer the obstacle,
     * the smaller the speed factor.
     * @param laserData Laser measurement
     * @param minVal,maxVal range of return values
     * @return Speed factor, value between minVal and maxVal. The higher the speed factor, the safer is it to drive fast.
    static float getSpeedFactor(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>& points, float minVal=0.2, float maxVal=1.0);

     * Calculates the maximum distance the robot can move without touching an obstacle.
     * @param laserPoints Current laser measurement transformed to (valid) points in map frame
     * @param laserConf The configuration of the LRF that took the measurement
     * @return maximum distance (m) the robot can move based on the given laserscan.
    static float getMaxMoveDistance(std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> laserData);

    static float getMaxMoveDistance(std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d >* kinectData, float minObstacleHeight, float minObstacleFromRobotDistance, float maxObstacleFromRobotDistance);

    /// @return if the angle is larger, the turn speed factor will be higher
    static float getTurnSpeedFactor( float speedFactor, float turnAngle, float minVal, float maxVal );

     * Calculates the minimum angle between the robot's orientation and the next waypoint which is necessary
     * to trigger a rotation instead of a straight line
     * @brief getMinTurnAngle
     * @param laserData
     * @param minAngle
     * @param maxAngle
     * @return
    static float getMinTurnAngle(std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> laserData, float minAngle, float maxAngle,
                                                                              float minDistance, float maxDistance);


     * Constructor is empty and private because this class will never be instanciated.
     * Destructor is empty.
