 *  Pose.h
 *  (C) 2006 AG Aktives Sehen <agas@uni-koblenz.de>
 *           Universitaet Koblenz-Landau
 * $Id: Pose.h 44313 2011-04-06 22:46:28Z agas $

#ifndef POSE_H
#define POSE_H

#include "Point2D.h"
//#include "Architecture/Serializer/ExtendedOutStream.h" // TODO kann wahrscheinlich weg
//#include "Architecture/Serializer/ExtendedInStream.h"

class Transformation2D;

 * @class Pose
 * @author Stephan Wirth, Susanne Maur (RX), David Gossow (RX)
 * @brief Class to describe and hold a pose of the robot (x, y)-Position + Orientation
 *        in world-coordinates
class Pose : public Point2D {


     * Constructor which initializes the members with the given values.
     * @param x x-position
     * @param y y-position
     * @param theta orientation in radiants
    Pose(float x, float y, float theta);

     * Default constructor, initializes members to 0.

    * The destructor is empty.

    float theta() const;

    void setTheta(float theta);

    Pose operator+ ( const Transformation2D& transformation ) const;
    Pose operator- ( const Transformation2D& transformation ) const;
    Transformation2D operator- ( const Pose& pose ) const;

     * Interpolates between two poses and returns a pose which correlates with
     * current pose +  t * (reference pose - current pose)
     * @param referencePose The second pose to interpolate between.
     * @param t The factor of interpolation.
     * @return Interpolated pose
    Pose interpolate(const Pose& referencePose, float t) const;

//    Pose( ExtendedInStream& extStrm );

//    void storer( ExtendedOutStream& extStrm ) const;


    float m_Theta;
