diff --git a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.h b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.h
index 9a0984b7d758758bcf0fbff384f1916f6aadb3b8..e90fbf0aca2f7eb6d5bf8ddb55388780a9c6e94a 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.h
+++ b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.h
@@ -133,272 +133,306 @@ public:
   OccupancyMap(const OccupancyMap& occupancyMap);
+  /**
+   * Method to init all members with default values from the configuration file.
+   * All arrays are initialized.
+   */
+  void initMembers();
+  /**
+   * Assignment operator, copies all members (deep copy!)
+   * @param source Source to copy from
+   * @return Reference to copied OccupancyMap
+   */
+  OccupancyMap& operator=(const OccupancyMap& source);
+  /**
+   * Deletes all dynamically allocated memory.
+   */
+  ~OccupancyMap();
+  /*
+  /**
+   * @return The resolution of the map in m.
+   */
+  //    int resolution() const;
+  geometry_msgs::Pose origin() const;
+  /**
+   * @return Width of the map.
+   */
+  int width() const;
+  /**
+   * @return Height of the map.
+   */
+  int height() const;
+  /**
+   * This method is used to reset all HighSensitive areas
+   */
+  void resetHighSensitive();
+  /**
+   * @return Probability of pixel p being occupied.
+   */
+  float getOccupancyProbability(Eigen::Vector2i p);
+  /**
+   * @brief This function inserts the data of a laserscan into the map.
+   *
+   * With the given data, start and end cells of a laser beam are computed and
+   * given to the
+   * method markLineFree().
+   * If the measurement is smaller than VALID_MAX_RANGE, markOccupied() is
+   * called for the endpoint.
+   * @param laserData The laser data msg.
+   */
+  void insertLaserData(sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr laserData,
+                       tf::Transform transform);
+  void insertRanges(vector<RangeMeasurement> ranges,
+                    ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now());
+  /**
+   * @brief gives a list specially processed coordinates to be used for
+   * computeLaserScanProbability
+   */
+  std::vector<MeasurePoint>
+  getMeasurePoints(sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData);
-    /**
-     * Method to init all members with default values from the configuration file. All arrays are initialized.
-     */
-    void initMembers();
-    /**
-     * Assignment operator, copies all members (deep copy!)
-     * @param source Source to copy from
-     * @return Reference to copied OccupancyMap
-     */
-    OccupancyMap& operator=(const OccupancyMap& source);
-    /**
-     * Deletes all dynamically allocated memory.
-     */
-    ~OccupancyMap();
-    /*
-    /**
-     * @return The resolution of the map in m.
-     */
-//    int resolution() const;
-    geometry_msgs::Pose origin() const;
-    /**
-     * @return Width of the map.
-     */
-    int width() const;
-    /**
-     * @return Height of the map.
-     */
-    int height() const;
-    /**
-     * This method is used to reset all HighSensitive areas
-     */
-    void resetHighSensitive();
-    /**
-     * @return Probability of pixel p being occupied.
-     */
-    float getOccupancyProbability(Eigen::Vector2i p);
-    /**
-     * @brief This function inserts the data of a laserscan into the map.
-     *
-     * With the given data, start and end cells of a laser beam are computed and given to the
-     * method markLineFree().
-     * If the measurement is smaller than VALID_MAX_RANGE, markOccupied() is called for the endpoint.
-     * @param laserData The laser data msg.
-     */
-    void insertLaserData( sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr laserData, tf::Transform transform);
-    void insertRanges( vector<RangeMeasurement> ranges , ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now() );
-    /**
-     * @brief gives a list specially processed coordinates to be used for computeLaserScanProbability
-     */
-    std::vector<MeasurePoint> getMeasurePoints( sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData );
-    /**
-     * This method computes a score that describes how good the given hypothesis matches with the map
-     * @param robotPose The pose of the robot
-     * @return The "fitting factor". The higher the factor, the better the fitting.
-     *         This factor is NOT normalized, it is a positive float between 0 and FLOAT_MAX
-     */
-    float computeScore( Pose robotPose, std::vector<MeasurePoint> measurePoints );
-    /**
-     * @return QImage of size m_metaData.width, m_metaData.height with values of m_OccupancyProbability scaled to 0-254
-     */
-    QImage getProbabilityQImage(int trancparencyThreshold, bool showInaccessible) const;
-    //puma2::ColorImageRGB8* getUpdateImage( bool withMap=true ); TODO
-    /**
-     * Returns an "image" of the obstacles e.g. seen in the 3D scans
-     * @returns image with dark red dots in areas where the obstacles were seen
-     */
-    //puma2::ColorImageRGB8* getObstacleImage ( ); TODO
-    /**
-     * Returns an "image" of occupancy probability image.
-     * @param[out] data vector containing occupancy probabilities. 0 = free, 100 = occupied, -1 = NOT_KNOWN
-     * @param[out] width Width of data array
-     * @param[out] height Height of data array
-     * @param[out] resolution Resolution of the map (m_metaData.resolution)
-     */
-    void getOccupancyProbabilityImage(vector<int8_t> &data, nav_msgs::MapMetaData& metaData);
-    /**
-     * This method marks free the position of the robot (according to its dimensions).
-     */
-    void markRobotPositionFree();
-    /**
-     * @brief Computes the contrast of a single pixel.
-     * @param prob probability value (100=occupied, 50=NOT_KNOWN, 0=free) of a pixel.
-     * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of this pixel
-     */
-    double contrastFromProbability (int8_t prob);
-    /**
-     * @brief This method computes the sharpness of the occupancy grid
-     * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of the map
-     */
-    double evaluateByContrast();
-    /// GETTERS
-    Box2D<int> getExploredRegion() { return m_ExploredRegion; }
-    Box2D<int> getChangedRegion() { return m_ChangedRegion; }
-    /**
-     * Sets cells of this map to free or occupied according to maskMap
-     */
-     void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &msg);
-	 void changeMapSize(int x_add_left, int y_add_up, int x_add_right, int y_add_down );
-  protected:
-    /**
-     * This method increments m_MeasurementCount for pixel p.
-     * @param p Pixel that has been measured.
-     */
-    void incrementMeasurementCount(Eigen::Vector2i p);
-    /**
-     * This method increments the occupancy count int m_OccupancyCount for pixel p.
-     * @param p Occupied pixel.
-     */
-    void incrementOccupancyCount(Eigen::Vector2i p);
-    /**
-     * This method increments m_MeasurementCount and if neccessary m_OccupancyCount for all pixels.
-     */
-    void applyChanges();
-    void clearChanges();
-    /**
-     * This method scales the counts of all pixels down to the given value.
-     * @param maxCount Maximum value to which all counts are set.
-     */
-    void scaleDownCounts(int maxCount);
-   /**
-     * This function paints a line from a start pixel to an end pixel.
-     * The computation is made with the Bresenham algorithm.
-     * @param data array on which the line shall be painted
-     * @param startPixel starting coordinates of the beam
-     * @param endPixel ending coordinates of the beam
-     * @param value The value with which the lines are marked.
-     */
-    template<class DataT>
-    void drawLine(DataT* data, Eigen::Vector2i& startPixel, Eigen::Vector2i& endPixel, char value);
-    /**
-     * This method computes the values for m_OccupancyProbabilities from m_MeasurementCount and m_OccupancyCount.
-     */
-    void computeOccupancyProbabilities();
-    /**
-     * This method sets all values of m_CurrentChanges to NO_CHANGE.
-     */
-    void clearCurrentChanges();
-    /**
-     * This method resets all values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY and m_MaxChangeY.
-     * This means that no current changes are assumed.
-     */
-    void resetChangedRegion();
-    /**
-     * This method updates the values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY and m_MaxChangeY to current changes.
-     * The area around the current robot pose will be included to the changed region.
-     * @param robotPose The current pose of the robot.
-     */
-    void updateChangedRegion(Pose robotPose);
-    /**
-     * This method sets all values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY and m_MaxChangeY
-      * to initial values so that the complete map will be processed.
-     */
-    void maximizeChangedRegion();
-    /**
-     * This method resets all values of m_ExploredX, m_MaxExploredX, m_MinExploredY and m_MaxExploredY.
-     */
-    void resetExploredRegion();
-    /**
-     * Deletes all allocated members.
-     */
-     void cleanUp();
-	/**
-	 * Stores the metadata of the map
-	 */
-	nav_msgs::MapMetaData m_metaData;
-    /**
-     * Stores the size of the map arrays, i.e. m_metaData.width * m_metaData.height
-     * for faster computation.
-     */
-    unsigned m_ByteSize;
-    /**
-     * Array to store occupancy probability values.
-     * Values between 0 and 1.
-     */
-    float* m_OccupancyProbability;
-    // Counts how often a pixel is hit by a measurement.
-    unsigned short* m_MeasurementCount;
-    // Counts how often a pixel is hit by a measurement that says the pixel is occupied.
-    unsigned short* m_OccupancyCount;
-    // Used for setting flags for cells, that have been modified during the current update.
-    unsigned char* m_CurrentChanges;
-    // Used for high Sensitive areas
-    unsigned short* m_HighSensitive;
-    /**
-     * Store values from config files.
-     */
-    //minimum range classified as free in case of errorneous laser measurement
-    float m_FreeReadingDistance;
-    //enables checking to avoid matching front- and backside of an obstacle, e.g. wall
-    bool m_BacksideChecking;
-    //leaves a small border around obstacles unchanged when inserting a laser scan
-    bool m_ObstacleBorders;
-    //minimum distance in m between two samples for probability calculation
-    float m_MeasureSamplingStep;
-    //bool to reset high_sensitive Areas on the next iteration
-    bool m_reset_high;
-    /**
-     * Defines a bounding box around the changes in the current map.
-     */
-    Box2D<int> m_ChangedRegion;
-    /**
-     * Defines a bounding box around the area in the map, which is already explored.
-     */
-    Box2D<int> m_ExploredRegion;
-    /**
-     * ros transform listener
-     */
-    tf::TransformListener m_tfListener;
-    /**
-     * ros transformation laser to base_link
-     */    
-    tf::StampedTransform m_laserTransform;
-    tf::Transform m_latestMapTransform;
+  /**
+   * This method computes a score that describes how good the given hypothesis
+   * matches with the map
+   * @param robotPose The pose of the robot
+   * @return The "fitting factor". The higher the factor, the better the
+   * fitting.
+   *         This factor is NOT normalized, it is a positive float between 0 and
+   */
+  float computeScore(Pose robotPose, std::vector<MeasurePoint> measurePoints);
+  /**
+   * @return QImage of size m_metaData.width, m_metaData.height with values of
+   * m_OccupancyProbability scaled to 0-254
+   */
+  QImage getProbabilityQImage(int trancparencyThreshold,
+                              bool showInaccessible) const;
+  // puma2::ColorImageRGB8* getUpdateImage( bool withMap=true ); TODO
+  /**
+   * Returns an "image" of the obstacles e.g. seen in the 3D scans
+   * @returns image with dark red dots in areas where the obstacles were seen
+   */
+  // puma2::ColorImageRGB8* getObstacleImage ( ); TODO
+  /**
+   * Returns an "image" of occupancy probability image.
+   * @param[out] data vector containing occupancy probabilities. 0 = free, 100 =
+   * occupied, -1 = NOT_KNOWN
+   * @param[out] width Width of data array
+   * @param[out] height Height of data array
+   * @param[out] resolution Resolution of the map (m_metaData.resolution)
+   */
+  void getOccupancyProbabilityImage(vector<int8_t>& data,
+                                    nav_msgs::MapMetaData& metaData);
+  /**
+   * This method marks free the position of the robot (according to its
+   * dimensions).
+   */
+  void markRobotPositionFree();
+  /**
+   * @brief Computes the contrast of a single pixel.
+   * @param prob probability value (100=occupied, 50=NOT_KNOWN, 0=free) of a
+   * pixel.
+   * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of this
+   * pixel
+   */
+  double contrastFromProbability(int8_t prob);
+  /**
+   * @brief This method computes the sharpness of the occupancy grid
+   * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of the map
+   */
+  double evaluateByContrast();
+  /// GETTERS
+  Box2D<int> getExploredRegion()
+  {
+    return m_ExploredRegion;
+  }
+  Box2D<int> getChangedRegion()
+  {
+    return m_ChangedRegion;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Sets cells of this map to free or occupied according to maskMap
+   */
+  void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr& msg);
+  void changeMapSize(int x_add_left, int y_add_up, int x_add_right,
+                     int y_add_down);
+  /**
+   * This method increments m_MeasurementCount for pixel p.
+   * @param p Pixel that has been measured.
+   */
+  void incrementMeasurementCount(Eigen::Vector2i p);
+  /**
+   * This method increments the occupancy count int m_OccupancyCount for pixel
+   * p.
+   * @param p Occupied pixel.
+   */
+  void incrementOccupancyCount(Eigen::Vector2i p);
+  /**
+   * This method increments m_MeasurementCount and if neccessary
+   * m_OccupancyCount for all pixels.
+   */
+  void applyChanges();
+  void clearChanges();
+  /**
+   * This method scales the counts of all pixels down to the given value.
+   * @param maxCount Maximum value to which all counts are set.
+   */
+  void scaleDownCounts(int maxCount);
+  /**
+    * This function paints a line from a start pixel to an end pixel.
+    * The computation is made with the Bresenham algorithm.
+    * @param data array on which the line shall be painted
+    * @param startPixel starting coordinates of the beam
+    * @param endPixel ending coordinates of the beam
+    * @param value The value with which the lines are marked.
+    */
+  template <class DataT>
+  void drawLine(DataT* data, Eigen::Vector2i& startPixel,
+                Eigen::Vector2i& endPixel, char value);
+  /**
+   * This method computes the values for m_OccupancyProbabilities from
+   * m_MeasurementCount and m_OccupancyCount.
+   */
+  void computeOccupancyProbabilities();
+  /**
+   * This method sets all values of m_CurrentChanges to NO_CHANGE.
+   */
+  void clearCurrentChanges();
+  /**
+   * This method resets all values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY
+   * and m_MaxChangeY.
+   * This means that no current changes are assumed.
+   */
+  void resetChangedRegion();
+  /**
+   * This method updates the values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY
+   * and m_MaxChangeY to current changes.
+   * The area around the current robot pose will be included to the changed
+   * region.
+   * @param robotPose The current pose of the robot.
+   */
+  void updateChangedRegion(Pose robotPose);
+  /**
+   * This method sets all values of m_MinChangeX, m_MaxChangeX, m_MinChangeY and
+   * m_MaxChangeY
+    * to initial values so that the complete map will be processed.
+   */
+  void maximizeChangedRegion();
+  /**
+   * This method resets all values of m_ExploredX, m_MaxExploredX,
+   * m_MinExploredY and m_MaxExploredY.
+   */
+  void resetExploredRegion();
+  /**
+   * Deletes all allocated members.
+   */
+  void cleanUp();
+  /**
+   * Stores the metadata of the map
+   */
+  nav_msgs::MapMetaData m_metaData;
+  /**
+   * Stores the size of the map arrays, i.e. m_metaData.width *
+   * m_metaData.height
+   * for faster computation.
+   */
+  unsigned m_ByteSize;
+  /**
+   * Array to store occupancy probability values.
+   * Values between 0 and 1.
+   */
+  float* m_OccupancyProbability;
+  // Counts how often a pixel is hit by a measurement.
+  unsigned short* m_MeasurementCount;
+  // Counts how often a pixel is hit by a measurement that says the pixel is
+  // occupied.
+  unsigned short* m_OccupancyCount;
+  // Used for setting flags for cells, that have been modified during the
+  // current update.
+  unsigned char* m_CurrentChanges;
+  // Used for high Sensitive areas
+  unsigned short* m_HighSensitive;
+  /**
+   * Store values from config files.
+   */
+  // minimum range classified as free in case of errorneous laser measurement
+  float m_FreeReadingDistance;
+  // enables checking to avoid matching front- and backside of an obstacle, e.g.
+  // wall
+  bool m_BacksideChecking;
+  // leaves a small border around obstacles unchanged when inserting a laser
+  // scan
+  bool m_ObstacleBorders;
+  // minimum distance in m between two samples for probability calculation
+  float m_MeasureSamplingStep;
+  // bool to reset high_sensitive Areas on the next iteration
+  bool m_reset_high;
+  /**
+   * Defines a bounding box around the changes in the current map.
+   */
+  Box2D<int> m_ChangedRegion;
+  /**
+   * Defines a bounding box around the area in the map, which is already
+   * explored.
+   */
+  Box2D<int> m_ExploredRegion;
+  /**
+   * ros transform listener
+   */
+  tf::TransformListener m_tfListener;
+  /**
+   * ros transformation laser to base_link
+   */
+  tf::StampedTransform m_laserTransform;
+  tf::Transform m_latestMapTransform;
diff --git a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.h b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.h
index be7f874b3c12dac101c93534d56373243d0b880c..47dfb6b67c47dd236005993e9076a2f3a0e92915 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.h
+++ b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.h
@@ -41,126 +41,132 @@ public:
   HyperSlamFilter(int particleFilterNum, int particleNum);
-  public:
-   /**
-     * This constructor initializes the random number generator and sets the member variables to the given values.
-     * @param particleNum Number of particleFilters to use.
-     */
-    HyperSlamFilter(int particleFilterNum, int particleNum);
-    /**
-     * The destructor releases the OccupancyMap and the particles.
-     */
-    ~HyperSlamFilter();
-    /**
-     * This method runs the filter routine.
-     * The given odometry measurement is used as movement hypothesis, the laserData-vector is used
-     * as measurement and is used to weight the particles.
-     * @param currentPoseOdometry Odometry data of time t.
-     * @param laserData msg containing the laser measurement.
-     */
-    void filter(Transformation2D trans, sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha1.
-     * @param percent Rotation error while rotating (see class constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setRotationErrorRotating(float percent);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha2.
-     * @param degreesPerMeter Rotation error while translating (see class constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setRotationErrorTranslating(float degreesPerMeter);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha3.
-     * @param percent Translation error while translating (see class constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setTranslationErrorTranslating(float percent);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha4.
-     * @param  mPerDegree Translation error while rotating (see class constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setTranslationErrorRotating(float mPerDegree);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha5.
-     * @param  mPerDegree Move jitter while turning (see class constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setMoveJitterWhileTurning(float mPerDegree);
-    /**
-     * Sets whether the map is updated or just used for self-localization.
-     * @param doMapping True if robot shall do mapping, false otherwise.
-     */
-    void setMapping(bool doMapping);
-    /**
-     * Deletes the current occupancy map and copies a new one into the system.
-     * @param occupancyMap The occupancy map to load into the system (copies are being made)
-     */
-    void setOccupancyMap(OccupancyMap* occupancyMap);
-    /**
-     * Sets the robot pose in the current occupancy map.
-     * @param Robot pose.
-     * @param scatterVariance if not equal to 0 the poses are equally scattered around the pose
-     */
-    void setRobotPose(Pose pose, double scatterVarXY=0.0, double scatterVarTheta=0.0);
-    /**
-     *Returns the best SlamFilter
-     */
-    SlamFilter* getBestSlamFilter();
-    void resetHigh();
-    /**
-     * Factor (default 0.98) of the contrast of the best particle.
-     * If the contrast of the worst particle is below this threshold
-     * it will be replaced by the best particle
-     * @param deletionThreshold see above
-     */
-    void setDeletionThreshold(double deletionThreshold);
-    /**
-     * applies masking to map of slam filter set in GUI
-     * @param msg masking message received from GUI
-     */
-    void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &msg)
-    {
-        for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_ParticleFilterNum; ++i)
-        {
-            m_SlamFilters[i]->applyMasking(msg);
-        }
-    }
+  /**
+    * This constructor initializes the random number generator and sets the
+   * member variables to the given values.
+    * @param particleNum Number of particleFilters to use.
+    */
+  HyperSlamFilter(int particleFilterNum, int particleNum);
-  private:
+  /**
+   * The destructor releases the OccupancyMap and the particles.
+   */
+  ~HyperSlamFilter();
-    /** Used SlamFilters */
-    std::vector <SlamFilter*> m_SlamFilters;
+  /**
+   * This method runs the filter routine.
+   * The given odometry measurement is used as movement hypothesis, the
+   * laserData-vector is used
+   * as measurement and is used to weight the particles.
+   * @param currentPoseOdometry Odometry data of time t.
+   * @param laserData msg containing the laser measurement.
+   */
+  void filter(Transformation2D trans, sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData);
-    /** Number of SlamFilters */
-    unsigned m_ParticleFilterNum;
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha1.
+   * @param percent Rotation error while rotating (see class constructor for
+   * details)
+   */
+  void setRotationErrorRotating(float percent);
-    /** Number of Particles of SlamFilter */
-    unsigned m_ParticleNum;
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha2.
+   * @param degreesPerMeter Rotation error while translating (see class
+   * constructor for details)
+   */
+  void setRotationErrorTranslating(float degreesPerMeter);
-    /** */
-    double m_DeletionThreshold;
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha3.
+   * @param percent Translation error while translating (see class constructor
+   * for details)
+   */
+  void setTranslationErrorTranslating(float percent);
-    /** Best SLAM Filter */
-    SlamFilter* m_BestSlamFilter;
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha4.
+   * @param  mPerDegree Translation error while rotating (see class constructor
+   * for details)
+   */
+  void setTranslationErrorRotating(float mPerDegree);
-    /** Worst SlamFilter */
-    SlamFilter* m_WorstSlamFilter;
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha5.
+   * @param  mPerDegree Move jitter while turning (see class constructor for
+   * details)
+   */
+  void setMoveJitterWhileTurning(float mPerDegree);
+  /**
+   * Sets whether the map is updated or just used for self-localization.
+   * @param doMapping True if robot shall do mapping, false otherwise.
+   */
+  void setMapping(bool doMapping);
-    bool m_DoMapping;
+  /**
+   * Deletes the current occupancy map and copies a new one into the system.
+   * @param occupancyMap The occupancy map to load into the system (copies are
+   * being made)
+   */
+  void setOccupancyMap(OccupancyMap* occupancyMap);
+  /**
+   * Sets the robot pose in the current occupancy map.
+   * @param Robot pose.
+   * @param scatterVariance if not equal to 0 the poses are equally scattered
+   * around the pose
+   */
+  void setRobotPose(Pose pose, double scatterVarXY = 0.0,
+                    double scatterVarTheta = 0.0);
+  /**
+   *Returns the best SlamFilter
+   */
+  SlamFilter* getBestSlamFilter();
+  void resetHigh();
+  /**
+   * Factor (default 0.98) of the contrast of the best particle.
+   * If the contrast of the worst particle is below this threshold
+   * it will be replaced by the best particle
+   * @param deletionThreshold see above
+   */
+  void setDeletionThreshold(double deletionThreshold);
+  /**
+   * applies masking to map of slam filter set in GUI
+   * @param msg masking message received from GUI
+   */
+  void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr& msg)
+  {
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ParticleFilterNum; ++i)
+    {
+      m_SlamFilters[i]->applyMasking(msg);
+    }
+  }
+  /** Used SlamFilters */
+  std::vector<SlamFilter*> m_SlamFilters;
+  /** Number of SlamFilters */
+  unsigned m_ParticleFilterNum;
+  /** Number of Particles of SlamFilter */
+  unsigned m_ParticleNum;
+  /** */
+  double m_DeletionThreshold;
+  /** Best SLAM Filter */
+  SlamFilter* m_BestSlamFilter;
+  /** Worst SlamFilter */
+  SlamFilter* m_WorstSlamFilter;
+  bool m_DoMapping;
diff --git a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/ParticleFilter.h b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/ParticleFilter.h
index db2aab8b2baa83d2bf4733f1c103ab54525bcca7..a9ab121b73136fba405304be68987e321f125e40 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/ParticleFilter.h
+++ b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/ParticleFilter.h
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
+#include <homer_nav_libs/Math/Transformation2D.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <omp.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <homer_nav_libs/Math/Transformation2D.h>
 #include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>
+#include <cmath>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <ros/ros.h>
@@ -33,297 +32,328 @@ const float MIN_EFFECTIVE_PARTICLE_WEIGHT = 0.2;
  * @see Particle
 template <class ParticleType>
-class ParticleFilter {
-   public:
-    /**
-     * The constructor initializes the random number generator and allocates the
-     * memory for the particle lists.
-     * The lists will have particleNum elements.
-     * @param particleNum Number of particles for the filter.
-     */
-    ParticleFilter<ParticleType>(int particleNum);
-    /**
-     * The destructor releases the particle lists.
-     */
-    virtual ~ParticleFilter();
-    /**
-     * @return Number of particles used in this filter
-     */
-    int getParticleNum();
-    /**
-     * @return The number of effective particles (according to "Improving
-     * Grid-based SLAM with Rao-Blackwellized Particle
-     * Filters by Adaptive Proposals and Selective Resampling (2005)" by Giorgio
-     * Grisetti, Cyrill Stachniss, Wolfram Burgard
-     */
-    int getEffectiveParticleNum() const;
-    int getEffectiveParticleNum2() const;
-    /**
-     * @return Pointer to the particle that has the highest weight.
-     */
-    ParticleType* getBestParticle() const;
-   protected:
-    /**
-     * This method generates a random variable in the interval [0,1].
-     * @param init The initial value for the static random base number. When
-     * running the constructor of this
-     * class, this method is run once with the C-function time() as parameter to
-     * initialize it.
-     * Then you should use it without parameter.
-     * @return Random value between 0 and 1
-     */
-    double random01(unsigned long init = 0) const;
-    /**
-     * This method sorts the particles in m_CurrentList from leftIndex to
-     * rightIndex according to their weight.
-     * The particle with the highest weight is at position 0 after calling this
-     * function. The algorithm used here is
-     * known as quicksort and works recursively.
-     * @param leftIndex Left index of area to sort
-     * @param rightIndex Right index of area to sort
-     */
-    void sort(int leftIndex, int rightIndex);
-    /**
-     * This method normalizes the weights of the particles. After calling this
-     * function, the sum of the weights of
-     * all particles in m_CurrentList equals 1.0.
-     * In this function the sum of all weights of the particles of m_CurrentList
-     * is computed and each weight of each
-     * particle is devided through this sum.
-     */
-    void normalize();
-    /**
-     * This method selects a new set of particles out of an old set according to
-     * their weight
-     * (importance resampling). The particles from the list m_CurrentList points
-     * to are used as source,
-     * m_LastList points to the destination list. The pointers m_CurrentList and
-     * m_LastList are switched.
-     * The higher the weight of a particle, the more particles are drawn
-     * (copied) from this particle.
-     * The weight remains untouched, because measure() will be called
-     * afterwards.
-     * This method only works on a sorted m_CurrentList, therefore sort() is
-     * called first.
-     */
-    void resample();
-    /**
-     * This method drifts the particles (second step of a filter process).
-     * Has to be implemented in sub-classes (pure virtual function).
-     */
-    virtual void drift(Transformation2D odoTrans) = 0;
-    /**
-     * This method has to be implemented in sub-classes. It is used to determine
-     * the weight of each particle.
-     */
-    virtual void measure(sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr laserData) = 0;
-    /**
-     * These two pointers point to m_ParticleListOne and to m_ParticleListTwo.
-     * The particles are drawn from m_LastList to m_CurrentList to avoid new and
-     * delete commands.
-     * In each run, the pointers are switched in resample().
-     */
-    ParticleType** m_CurrentList;
-    ParticleType** m_LastList;
-    /**
-     * Stores the number of particles.
-     */
-    int m_ParticleNum;
-    /**
-     * Stores the number of effective particles.
-     */
-    int m_EffectiveParticleNum;
+class ParticleFilter
+  /**
+   * The constructor initializes the random number generator and allocates the
+   * memory for the particle lists.
+   * The lists will have particleNum elements.
+   * @param particleNum Number of particles for the filter.
+   */
+  ParticleFilter<ParticleType>(int particleNum);
+  /**
+   * The destructor releases the particle lists.
+   */
+  virtual ~ParticleFilter();
+  /**
+   * @return Number of particles used in this filter
+   */
+  int getParticleNum();
+  /**
+   * @return The number of effective particles (according to "Improving
+   * Grid-based SLAM with Rao-Blackwellized Particle
+   * Filters by Adaptive Proposals and Selective Resampling (2005)" by Giorgio
+   * Grisetti, Cyrill Stachniss, Wolfram Burgard
+   */
+  int getEffectiveParticleNum() const;
+  int getEffectiveParticleNum2() const;
+  /**
+   * @return Pointer to the particle that has the highest weight.
+   */
+  ParticleType* getBestParticle() const;
+  /**
+   * This method generates a random variable in the interval [0,1].
+   * @param init The initial value for the static random base number. When
+   * running the constructor of this
+   * class, this method is run once with the C-function time() as parameter to
+   * initialize it.
+   * Then you should use it without parameter.
+   * @return Random value between 0 and 1
+   */
+  double random01(unsigned long init = 0) const;
+  /**
+   * This method sorts the particles in m_CurrentList from leftIndex to
+   * rightIndex according to their weight.
+   * The particle with the highest weight is at position 0 after calling this
+   * function. The algorithm used here is
+   * known as quicksort and works recursively.
+   * @param leftIndex Left index of area to sort
+   * @param rightIndex Right index of area to sort
+   */
+  void sort(int leftIndex, int rightIndex);
+  /**
+   * This method normalizes the weights of the particles. After calling this
+   * function, the sum of the weights of
+   * all particles in m_CurrentList equals 1.0.
+   * In this function the sum of all weights of the particles of m_CurrentList
+   * is computed and each weight of each
+   * particle is devided through this sum.
+   */
+  void normalize();
+  /**
+   * This method selects a new set of particles out of an old set according to
+   * their weight
+   * (importance resampling). The particles from the list m_CurrentList points
+   * to are used as source,
+   * m_LastList points to the destination list. The pointers m_CurrentList and
+   * m_LastList are switched.
+   * The higher the weight of a particle, the more particles are drawn
+   * (copied) from this particle.
+   * The weight remains untouched, because measure() will be called
+   * afterwards.
+   * This method only works on a sorted m_CurrentList, therefore sort() is
+   * called first.
+   */
+  void resample();
+  /**
+   * This method drifts the particles (second step of a filter process).
+   * Has to be implemented in sub-classes (pure virtual function).
+   */
+  virtual void drift(Transformation2D odoTrans) = 0;
+  /**
+   * This method has to be implemented in sub-classes. It is used to determine
+   * the weight of each particle.
+   */
+  virtual void measure(sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr laserData) = 0;
+  /**
+   * These two pointers point to m_ParticleListOne and to m_ParticleListTwo.
+   * The particles are drawn from m_LastList to m_CurrentList to avoid new and
+   * delete commands.
+   * In each run, the pointers are switched in resample().
+   */
+  ParticleType** m_CurrentList;
+  ParticleType** m_LastList;
+  /**
+   * Stores the number of particles.
+   */
+  int m_ParticleNum;
+  /**
+   * Stores the number of effective particles.
+   */
+  int m_EffectiveParticleNum;
 template <class ParticleType>
-ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::ParticleFilter(int particleNum) {
-    // initialize particle lists
-    m_CurrentList = new ParticleType*[particleNum];
-    m_LastList = new ParticleType*[particleNum];
+ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::ParticleFilter(int particleNum)
+  // initialize particle lists
+  m_CurrentList = new ParticleType*[particleNum];
+  m_LastList = new ParticleType*[particleNum];
-    // initialize random number generator
-    random01(time(0));
+  // initialize random number generator
+  random01(time(0));
-    m_ParticleNum = particleNum;
+  m_ParticleNum = particleNum;
 template <class ParticleType>
-ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::~ParticleFilter() {
-    if (m_CurrentList) {
-        delete[] m_CurrentList;
-        m_CurrentList = 0;
-    }
-    if (m_LastList) {
-        delete[] m_LastList;
-        m_LastList = 0;
-    }
+  if (m_CurrentList)
+  {
+    delete[] m_CurrentList;
+    m_CurrentList = 0;
+  }
+  if (m_LastList)
+  {
+    delete[] m_LastList;
+    m_LastList = 0;
+  }
 template <class ParticleType>
-int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getParticleNum() {
-    return m_ParticleNum;
+int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getParticleNum()
+  return m_ParticleNum;
 template <class ParticleType>
-double ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::random01(unsigned long init) const {
-    static unsigned long n;
-    if (init > 0) {
-        n = init;
-    }
-    n = 1664525 * n + 1013904223;
-    // create double from unsigned long
-    return (double)(n / 2) / (double)LONG_MAX;
+double ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::random01(unsigned long init) const
+  static unsigned long n;
+  if (init > 0)
+  {
+    n = init;
+  }
+  n = 1664525 * n + 1013904223;
+  // create double from unsigned long
+  return (double)(n / 2) / (double)LONG_MAX;
 template <class ParticleType>
-void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::sort(int indexLeft, int indexRight) {
-    if (indexLeft >= indexRight) {
-        // ready!
-        return;
+void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::sort(int indexLeft, int indexRight)
+  if (indexLeft >= indexRight)
+  {
+    // ready!
+    return;
+  }
+  int le = indexLeft;
+  int ri = indexRight;
+  int first = le;
+  int pivot = ri--;
+  while (le <= ri)
+  {
+    // skip from left
+    while (m_CurrentList[le]->getWeight() > m_CurrentList[pivot]->getWeight())
+    {
+      le++;
-    int le = indexLeft;
-    int ri = indexRight;
-    int first = le;
-    int pivot = ri--;
-    while (le <= ri) {
-        // skip from left
-        while (m_CurrentList[le]->getWeight() >
-               m_CurrentList[pivot]->getWeight()) {
-            le++;
-        }
-        // skip from right
-        while ((ri >= first) && (m_CurrentList[ri]->getWeight() <=
-                                 m_CurrentList[pivot]->getWeight())) {
-            ri--;
-        }
-        // now we have two elements to swap
-        if (le < ri) {
-            // swap
-            ParticleType* temp = m_CurrentList[le];
-            m_CurrentList[le] = m_CurrentList[ri];
-            m_CurrentList[ri] = temp;
-            le++;
-        }
+    // skip from right
+    while ((ri >= first) && (m_CurrentList[ri]->getWeight() <=
+                             m_CurrentList[pivot]->getWeight()))
+    {
+      ri--;
-    if (le != pivot) {
-        // swap
-        ParticleType* temp = m_CurrentList[le];
-        m_CurrentList[le] = m_CurrentList[pivot];
-        m_CurrentList[pivot] = temp;
+    // now we have two elements to swap
+    if (le < ri)
+    {
+      // swap
+      ParticleType* temp = m_CurrentList[le];
+      m_CurrentList[le] = m_CurrentList[ri];
+      m_CurrentList[ri] = temp;
+      le++;
-    // sort left side
-    sort(indexLeft, le - 1);
-    // sort right side
-    sort(le + 1, indexRight);
+  }
+  if (le != pivot)
+  {
+    // swap
+    ParticleType* temp = m_CurrentList[le];
+    m_CurrentList[le] = m_CurrentList[pivot];
+    m_CurrentList[pivot] = temp;
+  }
+  // sort left side
+  sort(indexLeft, le - 1);
+  // sort right side
+  sort(le + 1, indexRight);
 template <class ParticleType>
-void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::normalize() {
-    float weightSum = 0.0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++) {
-        weightSum += m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight();
-    }
-    // only normalize if weightSum is big enough to divide
-    if (weightSum > 0.000001) {
-        // calculating parallel on 8 threats
-        omp_set_num_threads(8);
-        int i = 0;
-        // #pragma omp parallel for
-        for (i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++) {
-            float newWeight = m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight() / weightSum;
-            m_CurrentList[i]->setWeight(newWeight);
-        }
-    } else {
-        ROS_WARN_STREAM("Particle weights VERY small: " << weightSum << ". Got "
-                                                        << m_ParticleNum
-                                                        << " particles.");
+void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::normalize()
+  float weightSum = 0.0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++)
+  {
+    weightSum += m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight();
+  }
+  // only normalize if weightSum is big enough to divide
+  if (weightSum > 0.000001)
+  {
+    // calculating parallel on 8 threats
+    omp_set_num_threads(8);
+    int i = 0;
+    // #pragma omp parallel for
+    for (i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++)
+    {
+      float newWeight = m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight() / weightSum;
+      m_CurrentList[i]->setWeight(newWeight);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ROS_WARN_STREAM("Particle weights VERY small: "
+                    << weightSum << ". Got " << m_ParticleNum << " particles.");
+  }
 template <class ParticleType>
-void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::resample() {
-    // swap pointers
-    ParticleType** help = m_LastList;
-    m_LastList = m_CurrentList;
-    m_CurrentList = help;
-    // now we copy from m_LastList to m_CurrentList
-    int drawIndex = 0;
-    // index of the particle where we are drawing to
-    int targetIndex = 0;
-    int numToDraw = 0;
-    do {
-        numToDraw = static_cast<int>(
-            round((m_ParticleNum * m_LastList[drawIndex]->getWeight()) + 0.5));
-        for (int i = 0; i < numToDraw; i++) {
-            *m_CurrentList[targetIndex++] = *m_LastList[drawIndex];
-            // don't draw too much
-            if (targetIndex >= m_ParticleNum) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        drawIndex++;
-    } while (numToDraw > 0 && targetIndex < m_ParticleNum);
-    // fill the rest of the particle list
-    for (int i = targetIndex; i < m_ParticleNum; i++) {
-        float particlePos = random01();
-        float weightSum = 0.0;
-        drawIndex = 0;
-        weightSum += m_LastList[drawIndex]->getWeight();
-        while (weightSum < particlePos) {
-            weightSum += m_LastList[++drawIndex]->getWeight();
-        }
-        *m_CurrentList[i] = *m_LastList[drawIndex];
+void ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::resample()
+  // swap pointers
+  ParticleType** help = m_LastList;
+  m_LastList = m_CurrentList;
+  m_CurrentList = help;
+  // now we copy from m_LastList to m_CurrentList
+  int drawIndex = 0;
+  // index of the particle where we are drawing to
+  int targetIndex = 0;
+  int numToDraw = 0;
+  do
+  {
+    numToDraw = static_cast<int>(
+        round((m_ParticleNum * m_LastList[drawIndex]->getWeight()) + 0.5));
+    for (int i = 0; i < numToDraw; i++)
+    {
+      *m_CurrentList[targetIndex++] = *m_LastList[drawIndex];
+      // don't draw too much
+      if (targetIndex >= m_ParticleNum)
+      {
+        break;
+      }
+    drawIndex++;
+  } while (numToDraw > 0 && targetIndex < m_ParticleNum);
+  // fill the rest of the particle list
+  for (int i = targetIndex; i < m_ParticleNum; i++)
+  {
+    float particlePos = random01();
+    float weightSum = 0.0;
+    drawIndex = 0;
+    weightSum += m_LastList[drawIndex]->getWeight();
+    while (weightSum < particlePos)
+    {
+      weightSum += m_LastList[++drawIndex]->getWeight();
+    }
+    *m_CurrentList[i] = *m_LastList[drawIndex];
+  }
 template <class ParticleType>
-int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getEffectiveParticleNum() const {
-    // does not work with normalized particle weights
-    // does not work with our weights at all (algorithm of Grisetti)
-    float squareSum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++) {
-        float weight = m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight();
-        squareSum += weight * weight;
-    }
-    return static_cast<int>(1.0f / squareSum);
+int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getEffectiveParticleNum() const
+  // does not work with normalized particle weights
+  // does not work with our weights at all (algorithm of Grisetti)
+  float squareSum = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++)
+  {
+    float weight = m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight();
+    squareSum += weight * weight;
+  }
+  return static_cast<int>(1.0f / squareSum);
 template <class ParticleType>
-int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getEffectiveParticleNum2() const {
-    // does not work with normalized particle weights
-    int effectiveParticleNum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++) {
-        if (m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight() > MIN_EFFECTIVE_PARTICLE_WEIGHT) {
-            effectiveParticleNum++;
-        }
+int ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getEffectiveParticleNum2() const
+  // does not work with normalized particle weights
+  int effectiveParticleNum = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < m_ParticleNum; i++)
+  {
+    if (m_CurrentList[i]->getWeight() > MIN_EFFECTIVE_PARTICLE_WEIGHT)
+    {
+      effectiveParticleNum++;
-    return effectiveParticleNum;
+  }
+  return effectiveParticleNum;
 template <class ParticleType>
-ParticleType* ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getBestParticle() const {
-    return m_CurrentList[0];
+ParticleType* ParticleFilter<ParticleType>::getBestParticle() const
+  return m_CurrentList[0];
diff --git a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamFilter.h b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamFilter.h
index 2f2d2939ef6b82af14c938a7851c712e48f8d396..7f6dd0fc16f4b5bdb870cf7089d9c9c4556b312c 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamFilter.h
+++ b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamFilter.h
@@ -40,266 +40,266 @@ class OccupancyMap;
  * @see ParticleFilter
  * @see OccupancyMap
-class SlamFilter : public ParticleFilter<SlamParticle> {
-   public:
-    /**
-      * This constructor initializes the random number generator and sets the
-     * member variables to the given values.
-      * @param particleNum Number of particles to use.
-      */
-    SlamFilter(int particleNum);
-    /// @brief copy constructor
-    SlamFilter(SlamFilter& slamFilter);
-    /**
-     * The destructor releases the OccupancyMap and the particles.
-     */
-    ~SlamFilter();
-    /**
-     * This method runs the filter routine.
-     * The given odometry measurement is used as movement hypothesis, the
-     * laserData-vector is used
-     * as measurement and is used to weight the particles.
-     * @param currentPoseOdometry Odometry data of time t.
-     * @param laserData msg containing the laser measurement.
-     */
-    void filter(Transformation2D trans,
-                sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData);
-    /**
-     * @return The Pose of the most important particle (particle with highest
-     * weight).
-     */
-    Pose getLikeliestPose();
-    /**
-     * This method can be used to retrieve the most likely map that is stored by
-     * the particle filter.
-     * @return Pointer to the most likely occupancy map.
-     */
-    OccupancyMap* getLikeliestMap() const;
-    void resetHigh();
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha1.
-     * @param percent Rotation error while rotating (see class constructor for
-     * details)
-     */
-    void setRotationErrorRotating(float percent);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha2.
-     * @param degreesPerMeter Rotation error while translating (see class
-     * constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setRotationErrorTranslating(float degreesPerMeter);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha3.
-     * @param percent Translation error while translating (see class constructor
-     * for details)
-     */
-    void setTranslationErrorTranslating(float percent);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha4.
-     * @param  mPerDegree Translation error while rotating (see class
-     * constructor for details)
-     */
-    void setTranslationErrorRotating(float mPerDegree);
-    /**
-     * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha5.
-     * @param  mPerDegree Move jitter while turning (see class constructor for
-     * details)
-     */
-    void setMoveJitterWhileTurning(float mPerDegree);
-    /**
-     * Sets whether the map is updated or just used for self-localization.
-     * @param doMapping True if robot shall do mapping, false otherwise.
-     */
-    void setMapping(bool doMapping);
-    /**
-     * Deletes the current occupancy map and copies a new one into the system.
-     * @param occupancyMap The occupancy map to load into the system (is being
-     * copied)
-     */
-    void setOccupancyMap(OccupancyMap* occupancyMap);
-    /**
-     * Sets the robot pose in the current occupancy map.
-     * @param Robot pose.
-     * @param scatterVariance if not equal to 0 the poses are equally scattered
-     * around the pose
-     */
-    void setRobotPose(Pose pose, double scatterVarXY = 0.0,
-                      double scatterVarTheta = 0.0);
-    /**
-     * @return Vector of current particle poses. The vector is sorted according
-     * to the weights of the
-     * particles. The pose of the particle with the highest value is the first
-     * element of the vector.
-     */
-    std::vector<Pose> getParticlePoses() const;
-    /**
-    * @return vector of all particles
+class SlamFilter : public ParticleFilter<SlamParticle>
+  /**
+    * This constructor initializes the random number generator and sets the
+   * member variables to the given values.
+    * @param particleNum Number of particles to use.
-    std::vector<SlamParticle*>* getParticles() const;
-    /**
-     * @return Vector of current particle weights. The vector is sorted by
-     * weight, highest weight first.
-     */
-    std::vector<float> getParticleWeights() const;
-    /**
-     * Calculates and returns the variance of the current likeliest particle
-     * poses.
-     * The orientation of the particle is neglected.
-     * @param The number of treated particles.
-     * @param[out] poseVarianceX The variance of particle poses in x direction.
-     * @param[out] poseVarianceY The variance of particle poses in y direction.
-     * @param[out] poseVarianceT The variance of particle poses in T rotation.
-     */
-    void getPoseVariances(int particleNum, float& poseVarianceX,
-                          float& poseVarianceY, float& poseVarianceT);
-    /**
-     * This method reduces the number of particles used in this SlamFilter to
-     * the given value.
-     * @param newParticleNumber The new number of particles
-     */
-    void reduceParticleNumber(int newParticleNumber);
-    /**
-     * This method returns the contrast of the occupancy grid
-     * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of the
-     * map
-     */
-    double evaluateByContrast();
-    /**
-     * This method passes a masking map to to the underlying occupancy map
-     */
-    void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr& msg);
-   private:
-    /**
-     * This method filter outliers in the given laser scan
-     * @param rawData the laser scan to check
-     * @param maxDiff maximal difference between two adjacent ranges
-     * @return filtered scan without outliers
-     */
-    vector<float> filterOutliers(sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr rawData,
-                                 float maxDiff);
-    /**
-     * This method generates Gauss-distributed random variables with the given
-     * variance. The computation
-     * method is the Polar Method that is described in the book "A First Course
-     * on Probability" by Sheldon Ross.
-     * @param variance The variance for the Gauss-distribution that is used to
-     * generate the random variable.
-     * @return A random variable that is N(0, variance) distributed.
-     */
-    double randomGauss(float variance = 1.0) const;
-    /**
-     * This method drifts the particles according to the last two odometry
-     * readings (time t-1 and time t).
-     */
-    void drift(Transformation2D odoTrans);
-    /**
-     * This method weightens each particle according to the given laser
-     * measurement in m_LaserData.
-     */
-    void measure(sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr laserData);
-    /**
-     * For weightening the particles, the filter needs a map.
-     * This variable holds a pointer to a map.
-     * @see OccupancyMap
-     */
-    OccupancyMap* m_OccupancyMap;
-    /**
-     * This variable holds the rotation error that the robot makes while it is
-     * rotating.
-     * Has to be given in percent. Example: robot makes errors of 3 degrees
-     * while making a 60 degrees
-     * move -> error is 5% -> rotationErrorRotating = 5)
-     */
-    float m_Alpha1;
-    /**
-     * This variable holds the rotation error that the robot makes while it is
-     * translating
-     * (moving forward or backwards). Has to be given in degrees per meter.
-     */
-    float m_Alpha2;
-    /**
-     * This variable holds the translation error that the robot makes while it
-     * is translating.
-     * Has to be given in percent.
-     */
-    float m_Alpha3;
-    /**
-     * This variable holds the translation error that the robot makes while it
-     * is rotating.
-     * This error only carries weight, if a translation es performed at the same
-     * time.
-     * See also m_Alpha5.
-     * Has to be given in milimeters per degree. Example: Robot makes a turn of
-     * 10 degrees and moves its
-     * center unintentional 15 mm. -> translationErrorRotating = 15.0 / 10.0 =
-     * 1.5
-     */
-    float m_Alpha4;
-    /**
-     * This variable holds a move jitter that is considered if the robot is
-     * turning.
-     * Has to be given in milimeters per degree.
-     */
-    float m_Alpha5;
-    /**
-     * True if it is the first run of SlamFilter, false otherwise.
-     */
-    bool m_FirstRun;
-    /**
-     * This variabe is true, if the SlamFilter is used for mapping and updates
-     * the map,
-     * false if it is just used for self-localization.
-     */
-    bool m_DoMapping;
-    /**
-     *  Time stamp of the last particle filter step
-     */
-    ros::Time m_LastMoveTime;
-    /**
-     * Calculates the square of given input f
-     * @param f input
-     * @return square of input
-     */
-    template <class T>
-    T sqr(T f) {
-        return f * f;
-    }
+  SlamFilter(int particleNum);
+  /// @brief copy constructor
+  SlamFilter(SlamFilter& slamFilter);
+  /**
+   * The destructor releases the OccupancyMap and the particles.
+   */
+  ~SlamFilter();
+  /**
+   * This method runs the filter routine.
+   * The given odometry measurement is used as movement hypothesis, the
+   * laserData-vector is used
+   * as measurement and is used to weight the particles.
+   * @param currentPoseOdometry Odometry data of time t.
+   * @param laserData msg containing the laser measurement.
+   */
+  void filter(Transformation2D trans, sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData);
+  /**
+   * @return The Pose of the most important particle (particle with highest
+   * weight).
+   */
+  Pose getLikeliestPose();
+  /**
+   * This method can be used to retrieve the most likely map that is stored by
+   * the particle filter.
+   * @return Pointer to the most likely occupancy map.
+   */
+  OccupancyMap* getLikeliestMap() const;
+  void resetHigh();
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha1.
+   * @param percent Rotation error while rotating (see class constructor for
+   * details)
+   */
+  void setRotationErrorRotating(float percent);
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha2.
+   * @param degreesPerMeter Rotation error while translating (see class
+   * constructor for details)
+   */
+  void setRotationErrorTranslating(float degreesPerMeter);
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha3.
+   * @param percent Translation error while translating (see class constructor
+   * for details)
+   */
+  void setTranslationErrorTranslating(float percent);
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha4.
+   * @param  mPerDegree Translation error while rotating (see class
+   * constructor for details)
+   */
+  void setTranslationErrorRotating(float mPerDegree);
+  /**
+   * Computes and sets the new value for m_Alpha5.
+   * @param  mPerDegree Move jitter while turning (see class constructor for
+   * details)
+   */
+  void setMoveJitterWhileTurning(float mPerDegree);
+  /**
+   * Sets whether the map is updated or just used for self-localization.
+   * @param doMapping True if robot shall do mapping, false otherwise.
+   */
+  void setMapping(bool doMapping);
+  /**
+   * Deletes the current occupancy map and copies a new one into the system.
+   * @param occupancyMap The occupancy map to load into the system (is being
+   * copied)
+   */
+  void setOccupancyMap(OccupancyMap* occupancyMap);
+  /**
+   * Sets the robot pose in the current occupancy map.
+   * @param Robot pose.
+   * @param scatterVariance if not equal to 0 the poses are equally scattered
+   * around the pose
+   */
+  void setRobotPose(Pose pose, double scatterVarXY = 0.0,
+                    double scatterVarTheta = 0.0);
+  /**
+   * @return Vector of current particle poses. The vector is sorted according
+   * to the weights of the
+   * particles. The pose of the particle with the highest value is the first
+   * element of the vector.
+   */
+  std::vector<Pose> getParticlePoses() const;
+  /**
+  * @return vector of all particles
+  */
+  std::vector<SlamParticle*>* getParticles() const;
+  /**
+   * @return Vector of current particle weights. The vector is sorted by
+   * weight, highest weight first.
+   */
+  std::vector<float> getParticleWeights() const;
+  /**
+   * Calculates and returns the variance of the current likeliest particle
+   * poses.
+   * The orientation of the particle is neglected.
+   * @param The number of treated particles.
+   * @param[out] poseVarianceX The variance of particle poses in x direction.
+   * @param[out] poseVarianceY The variance of particle poses in y direction.
+   * @param[out] poseVarianceT The variance of particle poses in T rotation.
+   */
+  void getPoseVariances(int particleNum, float& poseVarianceX,
+                        float& poseVarianceY, float& poseVarianceT);
+  /**
+   * This method reduces the number of particles used in this SlamFilter to
+   * the given value.
+   * @param newParticleNumber The new number of particles
+   */
+  void reduceParticleNumber(int newParticleNumber);
+  /**
+   * This method returns the contrast of the occupancy grid
+   * @return Contrast value from 0 (no contrast) to 1 (max. contrast) of the
+   * map
+   */
+  double evaluateByContrast();
+  /**
+   * This method passes a masking map to to the underlying occupancy map
+   */
+  void applyMasking(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr& msg);
+  /**
+   * This method filter outliers in the given laser scan
+   * @param rawData the laser scan to check
+   * @param maxDiff maximal difference between two adjacent ranges
+   * @return filtered scan without outliers
+   */
+  vector<float> filterOutliers(sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr rawData,
+                               float maxDiff);
+  /**
+   * This method generates Gauss-distributed random variables with the given
+   * variance. The computation
+   * method is the Polar Method that is described in the book "A First Course
+   * on Probability" by Sheldon Ross.
+   * @param variance The variance for the Gauss-distribution that is used to
+   * generate the random variable.
+   * @return A random variable that is N(0, variance) distributed.
+   */
+  double randomGauss(float variance = 1.0) const;
+  /**
+   * This method drifts the particles according to the last two odometry
+   * readings (time t-1 and time t).
+   */
+  void drift(Transformation2D odoTrans);
+  /**
+   * This method weightens each particle according to the given laser
+   * measurement in m_LaserData.
+   */
+  void measure(sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr laserData);
+  /**
+   * For weightening the particles, the filter needs a map.
+   * This variable holds a pointer to a map.
+   * @see OccupancyMap
+   */
+  OccupancyMap* m_OccupancyMap;
+  /**
+   * This variable holds the rotation error that the robot makes while it is
+   * rotating.
+   * Has to be given in percent. Example: robot makes errors of 3 degrees
+   * while making a 60 degrees
+   * move -> error is 5% -> rotationErrorRotating = 5)
+   */
+  float m_Alpha1;
+  /**
+   * This variable holds the rotation error that the robot makes while it is
+   * translating
+   * (moving forward or backwards). Has to be given in degrees per meter.
+   */
+  float m_Alpha2;
+  /**
+   * This variable holds the translation error that the robot makes while it
+   * is translating.
+   * Has to be given in percent.
+   */
+  float m_Alpha3;
+  /**
+   * This variable holds the translation error that the robot makes while it
+   * is rotating.
+   * This error only carries weight, if a translation es performed at the same
+   * time.
+   * See also m_Alpha5.
+   * Has to be given in milimeters per degree. Example: Robot makes a turn of
+   * 10 degrees and moves its
+   * center unintentional 15 mm. -> translationErrorRotating = 15.0 / 10.0 =
+   * 1.5
+   */
+  float m_Alpha4;
+  /**
+   * This variable holds a move jitter that is considered if the robot is
+   * turning.
+   * Has to be given in milimeters per degree.
+   */
+  float m_Alpha5;
+  /**
+   * True if it is the first run of SlamFilter, false otherwise.
+   */
+  bool m_FirstRun;
+  /**
+   * This variabe is true, if the SlamFilter is used for mapping and updates
+   * the map,
+   * false if it is just used for self-localization.
+   */
+  bool m_DoMapping;
+  /**
+   *  Time stamp of the last particle filter step
+   */
+  ros::Time m_LastMoveTime;
+  /**
+   * Calculates the square of given input f
+   * @param f input
+   * @return square of input
+   */
+  template <class T>
+  T sqr(T f)
+  {
+    return f * f;
+  }
diff --git a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.h b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.h
index 8cc3c11c9e275ce8d23c27d5debf11dbc6ec1872..63d50746bb39f7619fd69b2ecf23944a364f56d7 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.h
+++ b/homer_mapping/include/homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
 #include <homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/Particle.h>
 #include <homer_nav_libs/Math/Pose.h>
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
  * @brief This class defines a particle for the SlamFilter.
- * This particle contains a weight (inherited from base class) and a Pose (position + orientation).
+ * This particle contains a weight (inherited from base class) and a Pose
+ * (position + orientation).
  * The Pose describes a possible position and orientation of the robot.
  * @see SlamFilter
@@ -22,54 +23,52 @@
 class SlamParticle : public Particle
+  /**
+   * This constructor assigns the given weight to the member m_Weight.
+   * @param weight The weight of the particle.
+   * @param robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
+   */
+  SlamParticle(float weight = 1.0, float robotX = 0.0, float robotY = 0.0,
+               float robotTheta = 0.0);
-  public:
-    /**
-     * This constructor assigns the given weight to the member m_Weight.
-     * @param weight The weight of the particle.
-     * @param robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
-     */
-    SlamParticle ( float weight = 1.0, float robotX = 0.0, float robotY = 0.0, float robotTheta = 0.0 );
-    ///@brief copy contructor
-    SlamParticle ( SlamParticle& slamParticle );
-    /**
-     * The destructor does nothing so far.
-     */
-    ~SlamParticle();
+  ///@brief copy contructor
+  SlamParticle(SlamParticle& slamParticle);
-    /**
-     * Sets the three members m_RobotPositionX, m_RobotPositionY, m_RobotOrientation.
-     * @param robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
-     */
-    void setRobotPose ( float robotX, float robotY, float robotTheta );
-    void setRobotPose (Pose pose);
+  /**
+   * The destructor does nothing so far.
+   */
+  ~SlamParticle();
-    /**
-     * Returns the content of the three members m_RobotPositionX, m_RobotPositionY, m_RobotOrientation.
-     * @param[out] robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param[out] robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
-     * @param[out] robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
-     */
-    void getRobotPose ( float& robotX, float& robotY, float& robotTheta );
-    Pose getRobotPose ();
+  /**
+   * Sets the three members m_RobotPositionX, m_RobotPositionY,
+   * m_RobotOrientation.
+   * @param robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
+   */
+  void setRobotPose(float robotX, float robotY, float robotTheta);
+  void setRobotPose(Pose pose);
+  /**
+   * Returns the content of the three members m_RobotPositionX,
+   * m_RobotPositionY, m_RobotOrientation.
+   * @param[out] robotX X-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param[out] robotY Y-Position of the robot (world coordinates in m).
+   * @param[out] robotTheta Orientation of the robot (radiants).
+   */
+  void getRobotPose(float& robotX, float& robotY, float& robotTheta);
+  Pose getRobotPose();
-  private:
-    /**
-     * These members store the pose of the robot.
-     */
-    float m_RobotPositionX;
-    float m_RobotPositionY;
-    float m_RobotOrientation;
+  /**
+   * These members store the pose of the robot.
+   */
+  float m_RobotPositionX;
+  float m_RobotPositionY;
+  float m_RobotOrientation;
diff --git a/homer_mapping/src/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.cpp b/homer_mapping/src/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.cpp
index 9be8905053d876f5bdfcbfa2ad950225e020a3e3..73cd1a94a44ad5220cff8d70c1b235b247e01ba8 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/src/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.cpp
+++ b/homer_mapping/src/OccupancyMap/OccupancyMap.cpp
@@ -203,8 +203,10 @@ void OccupancyMap::insertLaserData(sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr laserData,
   float lastValidRange = m_FreeReadingDistance;
   RangeMeasurement rangeMeasurement;
-  rangeMeasurement.sensorPos.x = getLaserTransform(laserData->header.frame_id).getOrigin().getX();
-  rangeMeasurement.sensorPos.y = getLaserTransform(laserData->header.frame_id).getOrigin().getY();
+  rangeMeasurement.sensorPos.x =
+      getLaserTransform(laserData->header.frame_id).getOrigin().getX();
+  rangeMeasurement.sensorPos.y =
+      getLaserTransform(laserData->header.frame_id).getOrigin().getY();
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < laserData->ranges.size(); i++)
@@ -306,7 +308,7 @@ void OccupancyMap::insertRanges(vector<RangeMeasurement> ranges,
-      if(ranges[i].range <= m_FreeReadingDistance)
+      if (ranges[i].range <= m_FreeReadingDistance)
@@ -477,28 +479,28 @@ double OccupancyMap::evaluateByContrast()
 tf::StampedTransform OccupancyMap::getLaserTransform(std::string frame_id)
-if(m_savedTransforms.find(frame_id) != m_savedTransforms.end())
-    return m_savedTransforms[frame_id];
-  try
+  if (m_savedTransforms.find(frame_id) != m_savedTransforms.end())
-    m_tfListener.waitForTransform("/base_link", frame_id,
-                                  ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(0.2));
-    m_tfListener.lookupTransform("/base_link", frame_id,
-                                 ros::Time(0), m_savedTransforms[frame_id]);
     return m_savedTransforms[frame_id];
-  catch (tf::TransformException ex)
+  else
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM(ex.what());
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("need transformation from base_link to laser!");
+    try
+    {
+      m_tfListener.waitForTransform("/base_link", frame_id, ros::Time(0),
+                                    ros::Duration(0.2));
+      m_tfListener.lookupTransform("/base_link", frame_id, ros::Time(0),
+                                   m_savedTransforms[frame_id]);
+      return m_savedTransforms[frame_id];
+    }
+    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
+    {
+      ROS_ERROR_STREAM(ex.what());
+      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("need transformation from base_link to laser!");
+    }
-return tf::StampedTransform();
+  return tf::StampedTransform();
@@ -708,7 +710,7 @@ void OccupancyMap::drawLine(Eigen::Vector2i& startPixel,
-    if (m_MapPoints[index].CurrentChange == ::NO_CHANGE||
+    if (m_MapPoints[index].CurrentChange == ::NO_CHANGE ||
         m_MapPoints[index].CurrentChange == ::FREE)
       m_MapPoints[index].CurrentChange = value;
diff --git a/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.cpp b/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.cpp
index e2b1b45893be9772d60fb339496c8a15ba79d040..8fa1f76ce070e081c7e8a62acd05dd04065e219f 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.cpp
+++ b/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.cpp
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 #include <homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/HyperSlamFilter.h>
-#include <vector>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <vector>
 #include "ros/ros.h"
 using namespace std;
-HyperSlamFilter::HyperSlamFilter (int particleFilterNum, int particleNum )
+HyperSlamFilter::HyperSlamFilter(int particleFilterNum, int particleNum)
   m_ParticleFilterNum = particleFilterNum;
-        if ( m_ParticleFilterNum < 1 )
-        {
-                m_ParticleFilterNum = 1;
-        }
-  ROS_DEBUG( "Using %d Hyper Particles.", particleFilterNum);
+  if (m_ParticleFilterNum < 1)
+  {
+    m_ParticleFilterNum = 1;
+  }
+  ROS_DEBUG("Using %d Hyper Particles.", particleFilterNum);
   m_ParticleNum = particleNum;
-        m_DoMapping = true;
+  m_DoMapping = true;
   m_DeletionThreshold = 0.98;
-  for ( unsigned i=0; i < m_ParticleFilterNum; i++ )
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ParticleFilterNum; i++)
     ostringstream stream;
     stream << "SlamFilter " << i;
-    SlamFilter *slamFilter = new SlamFilter ( particleNum );
-    m_SlamFilters.push_back ( slamFilter );
+    SlamFilter* slamFilter = new SlamFilter(particleNum);
+    m_SlamFilters.push_back(slamFilter);
   m_BestSlamFilter = m_SlamFilters[0];
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ HyperSlamFilter::~HyperSlamFilter()
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ParticleFilterNum; i++)
-    if( m_SlamFilters[i] )
+    if (m_SlamFilters[i])
       delete m_SlamFilters[i];
       m_SlamFilters[i] = 0;
@@ -48,139 +48,144 @@ HyperSlamFilter::~HyperSlamFilter()
-void HyperSlamFilter::setRotationErrorRotating ( float percent )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setRotationErrorRotating(float percent)
-   for ( unsigned i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
-   {
-     m_SlamFilters[i]->setRotationErrorRotating(percent / 100.0);
-   }
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
+  {
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setRotationErrorRotating(percent / 100.0);
+  }
-void HyperSlamFilter::setRotationErrorTranslating ( float degreePerMeter )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setRotationErrorTranslating(float degreePerMeter)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
-    m_SlamFilters[i]->setRotationErrorTranslating(degreePerMeter / 180.0 * M_PI);
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setRotationErrorTranslating(degreePerMeter / 180.0 *
+                                                  M_PI);
-void HyperSlamFilter::setTranslationErrorTranslating ( float percent )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setTranslationErrorTranslating(float percent)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
     m_SlamFilters[i]->setTranslationErrorTranslating(percent / 100.0);
-void HyperSlamFilter::setTranslationErrorRotating ( float mPerDegree )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setTranslationErrorRotating(float mPerDegree)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
-    m_SlamFilters[i]->setTranslationErrorRotating( mPerDegree / 180.0 * M_PI );
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setTranslationErrorRotating(mPerDegree / 180.0 * M_PI);
-void HyperSlamFilter::setMoveJitterWhileTurning ( float mPerDegree )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setMoveJitterWhileTurning(float mPerDegree)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
-    m_SlamFilters[i]->setMoveJitterWhileTurning( mPerDegree / 180.0 * M_PI );
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setMoveJitterWhileTurning(mPerDegree / 180.0 * M_PI);
 void HyperSlamFilter::resetHigh()
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
-void HyperSlamFilter::setMapping ( bool doMapping )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setMapping(bool doMapping)
-    m_DoMapping = doMapping;
+  m_DoMapping = doMapping;
-void HyperSlamFilter:: setOccupancyMap ( OccupancyMap* occupancyMap )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setOccupancyMap(OccupancyMap* occupancyMap)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
-    m_SlamFilters[i]->setOccupancyMap( occupancyMap );
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setOccupancyMap(occupancyMap);
-void HyperSlamFilter::setRobotPose ( Pose pose, double scatterVarXY, double scatterVarTheta )
+void HyperSlamFilter::setRobotPose(Pose pose, double scatterVarXY,
+                                   double scatterVarTheta)
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
     m_SlamFilters[i]->setRobotPose(pose, scatterVarXY, scatterVarTheta);
-void HyperSlamFilter::filter ( Transformation2D trans, sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData)
+void HyperSlamFilter::filter(Transformation2D trans,
+                             sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr laserData)
-  //call filter methods of all particle filters
-  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
+  // call filter methods of all particle filters
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
     bool randOnOff;
-	if(m_SlamFilters.size() == 1)
-	{
-		randOnOff = true;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//if mapping is on, switch on with 80% probability to introduce some randomness in different particle filters
-		randOnOff = (rand() % 100) < 80;
-	}
-    m_SlamFilters[i]->setMapping( m_DoMapping && randOnOff );
+    if (m_SlamFilters.size() == 1)
+    {
+      randOnOff = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // if mapping is on, switch on with 80% probability to introduce some
+      // randomness in different particle filters
+      randOnOff = (rand() % 100) < 80;
+    }
+    m_SlamFilters[i]->setMapping(m_DoMapping && randOnOff);
     m_SlamFilters[i]->filter(trans, laserData);
-  if(m_SlamFilters.size() != 1)
+  if (m_SlamFilters.size() != 1)
-	  //determine which map has the best/worst contrast
-	  double bestContrast = 0.0;
-	  static unsigned int bestFilter = 0;
-	  double worstContrast = 100.0;
-	  static unsigned int worstFilter = 0;
-	  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++ )
-	  {
-		double contrast = m_SlamFilters[i]->evaluateByContrast();
-		            {
-		                    if( contrast > bestContrast )
-		                    {
-		                            bestContrast = contrast;
-		                            bestFilter = i;
-		                    }
-		                    if ( contrast < worstContrast )
-		                    {
-		                            worstContrast = contrast;
-		                            worstFilter = i;
-		                    }
-		            }
-	  }
-	  // set best filter
-	  SlamFilter* lastBestFilter = m_BestSlamFilter;
-	  m_BestSlamFilter = m_SlamFilters[bestFilter];
-	  if ( m_BestSlamFilter != lastBestFilter )
-	  {
-		ROS_INFO( "Switched to best filter %d (bestContrast: %f) -- the worst filter is %d (worstContrast: %f)", bestFilter, bestContrast, worstFilter, worstContrast); //TODO
-	  }
-	  if ( bestFilter != worstFilter )
-	  {
-		if ( worstContrast < ( bestContrast * m_DeletionThreshold ) )
-		{
-		  // replace the worst filter by the one with the best contrast
-		  delete m_SlamFilters[worstFilter];
-		  m_SlamFilters[worstFilter] = new SlamFilter ( * m_SlamFilters [bestFilter] );
-		}
-	  }
-   }
+    // determine which map has the best/worst contrast
+    double bestContrast = 0.0;
+    static unsigned int bestFilter = 0;
+    double worstContrast = 100.0;
+    static unsigned int worstFilter = 0;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SlamFilters.size(); i++)
+    {
+      double contrast = m_SlamFilters[i]->evaluateByContrast();
+      {
+        if (contrast > bestContrast)
+        {
+          bestContrast = contrast;
+          bestFilter = i;
+        }
+        if (contrast < worstContrast)
+        {
+          worstContrast = contrast;
+          worstFilter = i;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // set best filter
+    SlamFilter* lastBestFilter = m_BestSlamFilter;
+    m_BestSlamFilter = m_SlamFilters[bestFilter];
+    if (m_BestSlamFilter != lastBestFilter)
+    {
+      ROS_INFO("Switched to best filter %d (bestContrast: %f) -- the worst "
+               "filter is %d (worstContrast: %f)",
+               bestFilter, bestContrast, worstFilter, worstContrast);  // TODO
+    }
+    if (bestFilter != worstFilter)
+    {
+      if (worstContrast < (bestContrast * m_DeletionThreshold))
+      {
+        // replace the worst filter by the one with the best contrast
+        delete m_SlamFilters[worstFilter];
+        m_SlamFilters[worstFilter] = new SlamFilter(*m_SlamFilters[bestFilter]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
 SlamFilter* HyperSlamFilter::getBestSlamFilter()
diff --git a/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.cpp b/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.cpp
index 3d564cde000959b43ecf3bf6b53454a604ac95a4..d88fa0dfb8dd50ffcac377f3d908e26bb68601b7 100644
--- a/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.cpp
+++ b/homer_mapping/src/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.cpp
@@ -1,41 +1,47 @@
 #include <homer_mapping/ParticleFilter/SlamParticle.h>
-SlamParticle::SlamParticle(float weight, float robotX, float robotY, float robotTheta) : Particle(weight) {
+SlamParticle::SlamParticle(float weight, float robotX, float robotY,
+                           float robotTheta)
+  : Particle(weight)
   m_RobotPositionX = robotX;
   m_RobotPositionY = robotY;
   m_RobotOrientation = robotTheta;
-SlamParticle::SlamParticle( SlamParticle& slamParticle )
+SlamParticle::SlamParticle(SlamParticle& slamParticle)
   m_RobotPositionX = slamParticle.m_RobotPositionX;
   m_RobotPositionY = slamParticle.m_RobotPositionY;
   m_RobotOrientation = slamParticle.m_RobotOrientation;
-SlamParticle::~SlamParticle() {
-void SlamParticle::setRobotPose(float robotX, float robotY, float robotTheta) {
+void SlamParticle::setRobotPose(float robotX, float robotY, float robotTheta)
   m_RobotPositionX = robotX;
   m_RobotPositionY = robotY;
   m_RobotOrientation = robotTheta;
-void SlamParticle::setRobotPose(Pose pose){
-    m_RobotPositionX = pose.x();
-    m_RobotPositionY = pose.y();
-    m_RobotOrientation = pose.theta();
+void SlamParticle::setRobotPose(Pose pose)
+  m_RobotPositionX = pose.x();
+  m_RobotPositionY = pose.y();
+  m_RobotOrientation = pose.theta();
-void SlamParticle::getRobotPose(float& robotX, float& robotY, float& robotTheta) {
+void SlamParticle::getRobotPose(float& robotX, float& robotY, float& robotTheta)
   robotX = m_RobotPositionX;
   robotY = m_RobotPositionY;
   robotTheta = m_RobotOrientation;
-Pose SlamParticle::getRobotPose(){
-    return Pose(m_RobotPositionX, m_RobotPositionY, m_RobotOrientation);
+Pose SlamParticle::getRobotPose()
+  return Pose(m_RobotPositionX, m_RobotPositionY, m_RobotOrientation);