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Forschungspraktikum und Projektpraktikum SS2020. Ziel ist die Einbindung von Predictive Process Monitoring in Camunda
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These are some tools I developed for an interactive Computer Visualistics online course aimed at middle school students
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A mobile AR Flipper/Pinnball game based on Unity 3D and the AR Tool Kit.
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This package is based on the GitHub-Repo from Stefano Pogliani (https://github.com/stefanopog/node-red-contrib-ibmconnections) and contains a set of nodes to interact with IBM Connections.
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Verification for Decision Model and Notation - Master thesis project of Jonas Blatt - Implementation Project - WiSe 19/20 - SoSe20
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The backend application for the observer (written in python/django)
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Client of the Predictive Recommining Framework
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