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Add documentation and plans

Timothy Gillespie requested to merge TimothyGillespie/docs into master

I added some plans. I would appreciate comments and questions for clarification in case something is not clear. It can be difficult for the creator to see short-comings and unclear parts by himself.

The lea_main would lay out how would work, since the process on the right is repeating I think it could be put into a function. The main difference is what is being checked and kind of message gets sent. But this can be resolved with a lambda function well and we save up on a lot of boiler plate code.

I plan for this project to be expandable and I also had plans for SVN already. Other suggestions are very welcome.

What I personally don't quiet like is that the checking interval is for all observed objects the same. I guess it should be put into different processes so they can check independently without much effort on our part.

I added the images blow here as well:

lea_overview lea_main

Merge request reports