Resolve "Szene-Repräsentation"
Closes #56 (closed)
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %CV-Tag
added 👍 Feature label
added 1 commit
- 25b5e171 - [#56 (closed)] Directory added for the module with basic cmake setup
added 1 commit
- 9bae1f6f - [#56 (closed)] Added dependency to scene module
added 340 commits
9bae1f6f...9e9c7637 - 339 commits from branch
- 926c0374 - Merge branch 'develop' into 56-szene-reprasentation
9bae1f6f...9e9c7637 - 339 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- fd2821be - [#56 (closed)] Refactored material module to remove inheritance
added 1 commit
- aa0c6c36 - [#56 (closed)] Basic scene loading from assets
added 1 commit
- c86121b2 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed initialization problem for MSVC
added 1 commit
- 9c44024c - [#56 (closed)] Hopefully fix the MSVC problems with the scene module
added 1 commit
- 0a199eb0 - [#56 (closed)] Added rendering for basic scenes
added 154 commits
0a199eb0...eab9f823 - 153 commits from branch
- 03a19196 - Merge branch 'develop' into 56-szene-reprasentation
0a199eb0...eab9f823 - 153 commits from branch
Um Projekte wie die CV-Tag Demos mittels des Szenen-Moduls zu vereinfachen, muss es erlauben pro Mesh die Push-Konstanten beliebig zu befüllen und die DescriptorSetUsages müssen dynamisch erweiterbar sein, um an die Pipelines angepasst werden zu können.
DescriptorSetUsages kann man voraussichtlich leicht bei den Drawcalls hinzufügen. Die Push-Konstanten sind nerviger, da es aktuell rein binäre Daten-Blöcke sind. Das sollte zuerst noch grundlegend überarbeitet werden, um Typ-Sicherheit zu bieten.
added 1 commit
- 3e4994ec - [#56 (closed)] Added free()-call to descriptor-sets and fixed wrong descriptor-pool in list
added 1 commit
- c6c021b2 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed annoying camera to get rid of pitch and yaw members
added 1 commit
- 2ecac98c - [#56 (closed)] Added work-around to trackball camera
added 1 commit
- 16ba7a91 - [#56 (closed)] Completed the frustum culling.. probably
added 1 commit
- 5a0812f7 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed/Completed frustum culling the 2nd
added 1 commit
- d3d2abce - [#56 (closed)] Allowed culling on node level in scene graph
added 1 commit
- 7b592a95 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed graph dependency error and added basic graph optimization
added 1 commit
- 2db645aa - [#56 (closed)] Adapted push constants to allow variable per mesh changes
added 1 commit
- 4797e147 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed material usage increase/decrease
added 1 commit
- 58cebb9a - [#56 (closed)] Reduced code in first_triangle example
added 1 commit
- 621fd545 - [#56 (closed)] Reduced code in first_triangle example
added 1 commit
- fb7653d8 - [#56 (closed)] Added missing check into first_mesh example
added 2 commits
- 2a1aeb65 - [#56 (closed)] Removed cmd_sync_test sources
- 53fbfdb3 - [#56 (closed)] Fixed warnings and add parameter to pick shaders for particles
added 1 commit
- 52e5d81e - [#56 (closed)] Removed bloom project because it got merged into voxelization
added 1 commit
- c6125d48 - [#56 (closed)] Removed several compiler warnings
added 1 commit
- be490a4e - [#56 (closed)] Re-added doxygen as target.. oops
requested review from @agauggel
added 1 commit
- d2fabd54 - [#56 (closed)] Added warning to append method of push constants
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for d2fabd54 succeeds
- A deleted user
mentioned in commit b9e7ac4c