/homer_navigation/safe_path_weight:0.03# factor weight for safer path in relation to shortest path
/homer_navigation/waypoint_sampling_threshold:1.5# factor of how dense the path waypoints are sampled regarding the obstacle_distance of the last or next waypoint
/homer_navigation/frontier_safeness_factor:1.4# factor of min_allowed_obstacle_distance to an obstacle of a cell which is considered safe
/homer_navigation/waypoint_sampling_threshold:2.0# factor of how dense the path waypoints are sampled regarding the obstacle_distance of the last or next waypoint
/homer_navigation/frontier_safeness_factor:1.0# factor of min_allowed_obstacle_distance to an obstacle of a cell which is considered safe
### cost calculation parameters
/homer_navigation/allowed_obstacle_distance/min:0.27# m robot must stay further away than this from obstacles
/homer_navigation/allowed_obstacle_distance/max:5.0# m not used at the moment
/homer_navigation/safe_obstacle_distance/min:1.5# m if possible robot should move further away than this from obstacles
/homer_navigation/safe_obstacle_distance/max:3.0# m further away than this from obstacles doesn't give a lesser cost addition
/homer_navigation/safe_obstacle_distance/min:1.0# m if possible robot should move further away than this from obstacles
/homer_navigation/safe_obstacle_distance/max:1.3# m further away than this from obstacles doesn't give a lesser cost addition
### collision Avoidance parameters
/homer_navigation/collision_distance:0.20# m distance to obstacle from robotFront in which the obstacle avoidance will be executed
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
### check path on map update
/homer_navigation/check_path:true# toggles if the calculated path will be checked for obstacles while navigating
/homer_navigation/check_path_max_distance:3# m maximal distance from robot position in which the path is being checked for obstacles
/homer_navigation/check_path_max_distance:2# m maximal distance from robot position in which the path is being checked for obstacles
### speed parameters
/homer_navigation/min_turn_angle:0.1# rad values lower than this angle will let the navigation assume reaching the designated position
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
/homer_navigation/callback_error_duration:0.3# s max duration between pose and laser callbacks before error handling is executed
/homer_navigation/use_ptu:false# bool toggles if the ptu is being used to look at the next Waypoint during navigation
/homer_navigation/unknown_threshold:50# obstacle strenght under which the obstacle is ignored by navigation
/homer_navigation/waypoint_radius_factor:0.25# factor for includance of obstacle map
/homer_navigation/unknown_threshold:70# obstacle strenght under which the obstacle is ignored by navigation
/homer_navigation/waypoint_radius_factor:0.5# factor for includance of obstacle map